[Short #114] FATES Onboarding Survey

PLUS: 🗺 Safary is creating an ecosystem map

FATES Onboarding

I’ve covered interesting onboarding experiences like Subway Rats and minting experiences with surveys like Multibeasts.

Oddly enough, I haven’t seen surveys used for Discord onboarding yet and FATES is the first project I’ve come across doing so.

I heard about FATES yesterday evening in an alpha group, intrigued by the mention of an onboarding survey.

Onboarding surveys aren’t new. They’re often utilized as a form of positive friction — extra steps a prospect takes to increase buy-in for the product. Some examples of this:


The onboarding survey literally begins on the homepage. This helps provide buy-in from the first step and provides clear problem-solution value props of what Calm helps its users with.


Noom has been the subject of numerous onboarding case studies as they have one of the most comprehensive onboarding surveys around. This UI/UX resource provides an idea of how in-depth their onboarding survey is.

The broader Web3 space hasn’t adapted this tactic yet, but I believe we’ll see them proliferate as more Growth, Design, and Marketing professionals enter the space.

Have you filled out a survey before? If so, share or subscribe!


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Back to FATES. Did they have a 80 question onboarding survey? Thankfully no, lol.

Most NFT projects make their Discord easily accessible, but FATES incorporates some of this positive friction.

The link on FATES’ Twitter account leads to their website, and it’s not your basic website. The FATES team has weaved in the story along with a nice trailer.

Sheesh, who’s behind this? From my experience, well-done websites are a decent indicator for quality.

Ah…there we go. They’ve raised a $6.6 million seed round (after raising a $1.4 million pre-seed), no wonder 😉

In the linked Techcrunch article, it’s nice to learn that the Cauldron team is putting a significant focus on storytelling and aspires to be the Pixar of Web3.

When I click on a Discord logo, it typically redirects to the Discord server. Not the case for FATES.

Here’s the survey. Here. We. Go!

The 10-question survey continues to enrich the story of FATES while suggesting your responses actually matter.

After completing the survey, I was assigned to the Oath division and provided a link to join the Discord server.

FATES @fates_world

📡 // OATH Division Operations + Logistics. Core Values: Observant, Reliable and Respectful. Join the FATES Program. fates.world/divisions


5:00 PM ∙ Oct 1, 2022


Observant, Reliable, Respectful. I’ll take it! So what are these divisions used for in the immediate term? Seems like there will be some activities where winning divisions will obtain the Frontier role, which is one step closer to Allowlist minting.

Why is FATES’ take on role assignment and onboarding surveys interesting?

  • FATES is utilizing the onboarding survey as an opportunity to continue storytelling in a more captive environment. Typically, when I (and I’m assuming most others) join a Discord server, I hop around the various channels to make sure I have the appropriate roles, and only hop back in when there’s important announcements. I rarely focus on the backstory of the project even though there are channels in the server that focus on it.

  • There is permanence with your choices. Typically roles are selected IN the Discord server. With FATES, your division (role) is assigned based on the survey and it doesn’t seem like you can change it. This creates instant loyalty and more commitment to your division. In fact, look at this user sporting their division pride!


  • Though I’m speculating, it’s possible there could be long-term relevance with Discord roles. For example, if I mint a FATES NFT with an Oath trait, could I get some sort of boost in the game itself as a user in the Oath division? That’d be a creative way to reward long-term or OG supporters of the game.

I’m looking forward to seeing how Cauldron continues to weave in their storytelling, gaming, and community efforts with the concept of divisions.

Safary’s ecosystem map

Safary, a community of growth leaders in Web3 is creating a Web3 ecosystem map for Growth and Martech!

Twitter avatar for @Safaryclub

Safary 🦁 @Safaryclub

Hot take: Web3 MarTech will be the next big wave in crypto. To succeed in web3, you MUST understand this critical sector. Web3 will be shaped by the tools & strategies deployed by growth leaders. We're building the first ecosystem map: products, investors, & communities 🧵

7:09 PM ∙ Sep 21, 2022


If you’re building in the space and want to add your company, do so here.

They tweeted out a teaser earlier this morning. I’m curious to see who’s on the list 👀

Twitter avatar for @Safaryclub

Safary 🦁 @Safaryclub

We created a map of companies building web3 growth tools. It includes 70+ web3 teams working on growth analytics, attribution, community, messaging, adtech, crm, loyalty, & UA. Many are still in stealth 🤫 Comment below to see it before anyone else👇

3:20 PM ∙ Oct 3, 2022


Shoutout to Justin and the Safary team, thanks for creating a great community for Growth folks to connect and share insights!

See you tomorrow folks. If you take the FATES survey, let me know which division you join :)

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